But your time is worth money, and the time you spend scrubbing the kitchen floor might be more profitable, not to mention enjoying it, spending it elsewhere. To borrow a term from the economy, the opportunity cost is lost. There are advantages and disadvantages to hiring a local cleaning service or an individual house cleaner. Choosing the right one for you can help you make an informed decision.
Those with traditional jobs and regular salaries may consider a financial decision like this as a fairly straightforward assessment, says financial advisor Luke Meador. If it fits your budget and you don't like cleaning, is it worth it? If you have the luxury of waiting a month or more to finalize the agreement, buy one-off cleanings from each of your finalists at least two weeks apart to bring your home back to a messy state. I want my children to know how to keep a house tidy and if they choose to use a cleaning service later, so be it, but at least I have trained them as best I could to keep a tidy home. Whether you are willing to pay for services not included in a basic cleaning depends on your schedule and your tolerance for DIY cleaning.
I clean my own house, so not only do I know how to clean, but I also know these 13 simple home cleaning tricks you'll want to know before. I can honestly say, that I have never spoken to another mother who said she regrets that someone came to clean her house. The promise of a clean home does not require a binary choice between frequent professional cleanings or hours of DIY effort. The home cleaning industry is competitive enough that there is no need to work with a cleaning company or an independent cleaner that locks its customers into long-term contracts.
Even so, cleaners who are not affiliated with hierarchical cleaning companies can better adapt to tight budgets, although budgets with very little room for maneuver may not have room for any contracted cleaning aid. It's very easy to fall into resentment if you feel like your partner isn't carrying their weight when it comes to cleaning, even if they're helping around the house in other ways. A new baby in the house means a lot of extra cleaning and laundry more than exhausted new parents can handle. I used to work for a company, but it was the minimum wage and I had to move from one house to another carrying all my cleaning supplies.
Your personal cleaning requirements and preferences will determine where your actual cleaning costs fall. Besides, he doesn't make me spend all day off from work cleaning the house instead of taking my kids on adventures. I wish I could use them all the time, but I have only used them when I moved so they can get a deep clean and before the holidays when I will have to do too much to do all the Clorox cleaning I would like.